
How does it work?
It's the same as any raffle -- you buy a ticket and win prizes!!!

There are THOUSANDS OF PRIZES that have a chance to be won by all participants! If you purchase 12 tickets, you'll be guaranteed a prize!

Tickets will be available to purchase until Monday Nov 27th at noon PT!
Raffle winner names will be drawn on Wednesday Nov 29th at noon PT!
Tickets cost EC’s no cash raffle.

Prizes will be dropped right into your Rewards Inbox!

What Can I Win?!

What's in the Box?


Where can I buy tickets?
In the Molly's Deals/ Offers section of the shop!

How much do the tickets cost?
EC tickets are 9 ECs for 1 ticket, 42 ECs for 5, or 96 ECs for 12 tickets! You can purchase an unlimited number of EC tickets!

Can I win more than one prize?
You can only win one of the Grand Prizes. There is no limit to the runner-up prizes though!
EG. If you win the Grand Prize Finale, you can't win Grand Prize #3.

How are the winners picked?
It's a raffle, so the winners will be randomly picked!
We will be using a random number generator to make sure everyone has a fair chance.
The Grand Prize Finale will be drawn first, then Grand Prize #2, and so on and so forth.

Are the Raffle Boxes tradeable?

Are the stat items tradeable?
They are!

If I win an avatar pack, do I have to choose which avatar?
No, if you win an avatar pack, you get both the Femme and Masc avatars.
If you win a VIP Avatar pack, you get all 4 avatars (VIP and non-VIP, Masc and Femme)

Is there a chance I won't win anything?
Winning isn't guaranteed, it's purely up to chance! If you purchase 12 tickets though, then you are guaranteed at least one box!

Are the avatars or items in the raffle available anywhere else?
No, these avatars and stat items are exclusive to the raffle!

Where can I get the Best Deals on ECs before I buy tickets?
You can find the best deals on EC Bundles in the PIMD Web Store!