What is meta event?

It is just a term to represent the longer duration events that has many daily events grouped together.  That counts multiple days of progression and points earned along the way towards the grand total of the meta event. 


How do I get to participate?

No special entry needed, you will be automatically allowed to participate in the meta event. You will see the events show up in the event list and upcoming board, we will also send out mail heads up and discord announcements on when the meta events are running. 


How do they work?

Play and achieve stars in the daily events (name of event will usually have a header that matches the meta event). Points will be earned towards the meta event depending on your achievement in stars and LB rank reached in the daily and other events related to the meta event track

There will be variety of rules and mechanics for each event, the core ways to play meta events will be fairly similar, just make sure to pay attention to our official event posts for any minor details to pay attention to from event to event.