Allies can be a very complex and deep mechanic that takes time to fully understand. Core principles to know…
#1 Allies hired (owned) will provide you with extra bonus towards each biome (whether you are attacking, defending or PvE related actions)
#2 Allies also provide you with a passive way to earn gold! Any time an ally is hired away from you, you will earn bonus gold on top of the amount you paid to hire that ally.
#3 ‘Volleying’ - is a player created tactic where 2 players will agree to volley an ally back and forth to quickly earn gold. Please remember, whoever ends up with it will end up having to hope for someone else to hire it before you can get your gold back.
#4 Increase the bonus you provide as an ally (to others) - it is determined by your hero levels and rank for heroes of each biome
#5 total allies own value - the total amount gold value of all of your allies will determine how much bonus resource from hits. To make sure you are getting as much resource from each hit, make sure your total ally value is high enough. You will know you are at the cap when hiring more allies (in value) doesn't increase how much resource per hit anymore. At this point you will need to consider more research and upgrading Treasury buildings to increase the resource per hit bonus
What are Allies?
Last Updated: 234d