Introducing Stellar Geology and It Came From Above!

Here is how it works:

Stellar Geology (Solo Event)
Players earn points from gathering from Proto-Gem Craters and collecting "Anomalies".

It Came From Above (Club Event)
Players earn points by killing Gem-hungry Tenebrals and Strange Eyes

Does It Came From Above and Stellar Geology always run together?
Yes, It Came From Above (Club Event) and Stellar Geology (Solo Event) always run together.

What happens when I collect from Proto-Gem Craters?
Collecting from 36 Mini Proto-Gem Craters (The most common type of Crater) will spawn a Forest Gem-hungry Tenebral! Collecting from Proto-Gem Craters (Craters that offer more Anomalies) is worth TWO Mini Proto-Gem Craters.

What happens after I kill Gem-hungry Tenebral?
Killing a Forest Gem-hungry Tenebral will spawn a Plains Gem-hungry Tenebral. Killing a Plains Gem-hungry Tenebral will spawn a Highlands Gem-hungry Tenebral!

How do I summon a Strange Eye?
Killing 6 Gem-hungry Tenebrals, regardless of biome combination, will summon a Strange Eye. The order in which you kill them doesn’t matter, as long as you defeat 6.

How can I track progress toward summoning a Strange Eye?
There is a Gem-Hungry Tenebral counter and coordinates displayed in your club chat to let you know how close you are to summoning a Strange Eye and where to find them.

Do kills from this event count toward my Daily Tenebral Hunt?
No, killing Gem-hungry Tenebrals as part of this event will not provide points towards your Daily Tenebral Hunt, such as the Highland Harvest event!