Setting up a Facebook Link is quick and makes it super easy to log back into your account!
  1. Login to the Facebook account you wish to connect to your KaW account in the Facebook App.

  2. Go to Settings -> Account and tap "Connect with Facebook"

  3.  Tap Continue on the Pop-Up that asks you to confirm you are comfortable sharing information to Facebook.

    If you have an account already registered to Facebook on this device.  You will see a screen which asks you to choose which account should be linked to Facebook.

    This will remove the Facebook Link from the one account and move it to the other. If you do so, it may make your other account inaccessible.

  4. Tap Continue again on the Facebook Pop-up that asks you to "Allow activity from Party in My Dorm to stay connected to your Facebook account."

  5. Tap Continue one more time and you are done!