Introducing Duthty!
This fearsome bird-dragon is swooping in with his Realm Raider III, Epic Badlands Plunderer, Epic Badlands Sentry, Badlands Shrine Specialist, Epic Badlands Defender, Epic Leech Master, Troop Recruiter, Dunefeather Executioner, and Jadefeather Evader abilities. Duthty can often be found snoozing in mango trees, where he blends in nearly perfectly. The locals know to avoid these trees, or else they may become part of Duthty's fruit salad. [Named by our very own contest winner Roachyyy!]
Realm Raider III: Badlands Player Attacker Bonus
Epic Badlands Plunderer: Bonus to attack on Badlands resource nodes
Epic Badlands Sentry: Bonus to defense on Badlands resource nodes
Badlands Shrine Specialist: Badlands Shrine Rally Leader Attack & Defense Bonus
Epic Badlands Defender: boost to defending Badlands Kingdoms
Epic Leech Master: Troop Healing Value Boost
Troop Recruiter: Increase training queue
Dunefeather Executioner: Duthty brings the pain, Duthty style!
Jadefeather Evader: Learned how to easily evade greens. Green veggies, green dragons and all.
Introducing Romeo!
Flying high with her Realm Raider III, Epic Grassland Plunderer, Epic Grassland Sentry, Epic Grassland Defender, Grassland Shrine Specialist, Swift Attacker, Draconic Determination III, Jadefeather Executioner, and Skyfeather Evader abilities, you’ll never catch this nimble green Bird Dragon!
Romeo nests in the treetops, mimicking sounds like birds, apes... Todd with snakes down his pants. The quickest way to her heart is through her stomach, and vipers are her best friends! [Name by raffle winner Viper!]
Realm Raider III: Grasslands Player Attacker Bonus
Epic Grassland Plunderer: Bonus to attack on Grassland resource nodes
Epic Grassland Sentry: Bonus to defense on Grassland resource nodes
Grassland Shrine Specialist: Grasslands Shrine Rally Leader Attack & Defense Bonus
Epic Grassland Defender: boost to defending Grassland Kingdoms
Swift Attacker: March speed bonus when attacking players' cities
Draconic Determination III: Bonus to XP Earned By Grasslands Dragons
Jadefeather Executioner: Romeo breaks hearts and bones in a way only she can.
Skyfeather Evader: Romeo is a happy dragon and won't let themselves get bogged down by the blues. This includes blue dragons which they can easily evade.
Introducing Thwampy!
This bold bird-dragon boasts a sky-high number of talents, including their Realm Raider III, Epic Swamp Plunderer, Epic Swamp Sentry, Swamp Shrine Specialist, Epic Swamp Defender, Expert Raider, Expert Defender, Skyfeather Executioner, and Dunefeather Evader abilities. Thwampy soars above jungle canopies in search of ripe fruit to gobble up! Their blue color ensures they blend in with the sky so that unsuspecting mangos are caught completely unaware! [Named by our very own contest winner MRWILLYWONKA!]
Realm Raider III: Swamplands Player Attacker Bonus
Epic Swamp Plunderer: Bonus to attack on Swamp resource nodes
Epic Swamp Sentry: Bonus to defense on Swamp resource nodes
Swamp Shrine Specialist: Swamp Shrine Rally Leader Attack & Defense Bonus
Epic Swamp Defender: Boost to defending Swamp Kingdoms
Expert Raider: Bonus to Pug Rider and Wild Pugskateer abilities
Expert Defender: Bonus to Knight and Royal Knight abilities
Skyfeather Executioner: This blue beast's wait of delivering maximum carnage.
Dunefeather Evader: Orange can't touch blue. No way. Avoids orange's attacks every time.