Follow the below steps to setup a New ATA ID or Login to an existing account!

  1.  Go to the Extras Menu and Tap "Sign in with ATA ID"

2a.Create a New ATA ID Account

Enter your information in the "New Account" tab if you have not previously set up an ATA ID for your account.

2b. Login to an Existing Account
Go to the "Login" tab and enter your information if you have previously set up an ATA ID for your account.
Once you enter the correct password you will be prompted if you are okay losing access to the current Heckfire account you are logged into, so that you can get back into the account you are trying to access.


3. Check your Email for your verification code

The email will come from

4. Enter Verification Code
When you receive that verification code in your e-mail, enter the code into this screen and you should be all set up/logged in!

What if I am not currently logged into an account?

If you are not currently logged in, we have a new Splash Screen where you can tap "Play Now" to go to the tutorial or "Login" to directly enter your account and skip the tutorial!

*Please note this Splash Screen began gradual release to Android users starting April 10th 2024, and will eventually be available to all players once updates become available to them!


Why is my verification code not working?

Please remember, you have 5 minutes to enter the code you receive in your email. If your code is not working, you may be using an old Verification code, please check your Spam and Update folders to make sure you didnt miss the new one!

If 5 minutes have passed since you requested your code, you can request to send a new code in app!

If you put in the wrong verification code too many times, you will need to contact our team by opening a Help Ticket and we'll get you back in the game!